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Eyebeam Drupal Site User How To :
=Sandbox Eyebeam Drupal Site User How To :=
General Concepts: http://drupal.org/node/19828
Learn to speak Drupal: http://drupal.org/node/937
Important terms:
* Node-  Almost all content in Drupal is stored as a node. When people refer to "a node" all they mean is a piece of content stored within Drupal.  Users can create different types of nodes, called content types.
* Block- Blocks are the navigational or content additions that generally live on the left or right side of a page when you view it in your browser. Block placement can be placed elsewhere via the admin settings. Blocks are not nodes, they are just a way of positioning data within a page.
* Module-  A module is software (code) that extends Drupal features and/or functionality. Core modules are those included with the main download of Drupal. Contributed (or "contrib") modules are available for separate download from the modules section of downloads.
* View- A set of nodes displayed using the views module
** Views Module - A powerful contributed module which allows site developers a simple graphical interface for modifying the presentation of content. Views permits selection of specific fields to display, filtration against various node attributes, choice of basic layout options (ie. list, full nodes, teasers, etc.), and other more advanced features.
* User menu- The menu in the left column that has your user name as the heading.  This menu is only visible if you are logged into the site.
#Click Log in in the header menu or go to eyebeam.org/user
# Click on the "Create new account" Tab
# Enter a user name and your email address and click "creat new account"
# You will receive an email containing your generated password.  Use this password to log in at eyebeam.org/user.
# After you log in you will be brought to your user page.  This page will always be located at eyebeam.org/users/your_user_name. 
To change your password:
# click the Edit tab at the top of the page.
#  Enter your new password in the field provided
# click submit
# Click "Log in" in the header menu or go to eyebeam.org/user
#  Enter your user name and password in the appropriate fields
# Click Log in
Each user has their own blog in drupal.  Your blog is located at http://www.eyebeam.org/blogs/(your user name).
To write a blog entry:
# Log in
# Go to Create content > Blog entry or go to http://www.eyebeam.org/blogs/(your user name) and click Post new blog entry at the top of the page.
# Enter a title, teaser text and body text
# Click Submit
* The labs section of this site is designed using a node referencing structure that defines relationships between content types. 
** Think of it like: PEOPLE make PROJECTS and PROJECTS are put in EXHIBITIONS, so we can't have EXHIBITIONS without PROJECTS or PROJECTS without PEOPLE.
# Log in
# Click "Create content" in your user menu
# On the Create Content page, click People.
# Fill in info for all the appropriate fields.  Please upload the person's picture through the image field (the one with the browse and upload buttons) rather than through the body field.
# If you are adding a bio for a group, select "Group" in the group field and select the group's members in the members fields.  (You cannot select members if they don't have their own individual bio pages.  You should add those bios first. )
# Click Submit
# Log in
# Click "Create content" in your user menu
# On the Create Content page, click Project.
# Select the project's creator/s
** to add multiple creators Cmd(apple)+click (mac) or Crtl+click (pc) on their names
** If the creator does not appear in the creator field select list, it is because there is no bio page for that person.  Add the person's bio and they will appear. 
#  Indicate the appropriate lab for this project
#  Only use the news_type field if you want this event to show up on the eyebeam home page.  If not, leave it blank.
news_type:  general - select general to add the event under the heading "This Week at Eyebeam" on the home page
    labs - select labs to add the event under the heading "News from our labs" on the home page
  community - select community to add the event under the heading "Community" on the home page
# Upload an image for the project using the project image field.
# Indicate the appropriate research group.
# If there is a url for the project, enter it in the project-url field.
# Enter a description in the body field.
# Click Submit.
* If you are using your Drupal User blog, you do not have to add the feed here.  This is for external urls only.
# log in
# Go to Create Content > Feed
# Indicate the appropriate lab.
# Paste your feed url into the url field.  It should add the title in for you.  If not, then you can add the title in the title field.
# Frequency:  By default the update frequency for all feeds is set to be "adaptive", meaning the frequency at which the data is downloaded from your blog is actually based on how active your feed is.  So more active feeds get checked more often.  It is suggested that feeds remain set to Adaptive.  If you would rather your feed be updated at a regular interval, deselect the box for Adaptive and select an update interval from the frequency select list. 
# Click Submit
* Feed items and Calendar items are content types that serve as templates for data being imported to Drupal using the Leech module.  PLEASE DO NOT add content using either of these content types. 
==  PODCAST ==
# Upload the podcast to Youtube using eyebeam's Youtube account.
** Go to youtube.com and log in as (ADD ACCT INFO)
** Click the Upload button at the top of the page or go to youtube.com/my_videos_upload
** Click Upload a video
** Click browse and select the video you want to upload
** Click Upload
# Go to Create content > Podcast
# Add a title
# Copy the url of the video and paste it into the text field labeled embed_video
# (Optional) Below the embed_video field there is an image field that will allow you to upload a custom thumbnail.  This will override one created by youtube.
# Tag any eyebeam people that are featured in this video by selecting their names in the select list labeled "In this video".  *To select multiple people Cmd(apple)+click (mac) or Crtl+click (pc) on their names.
# You can add text to accompany your podcast in the Body field.
# Click Submit.
# Go to Create content > Press Release
# Add a title
# Add teaser text in the Body field
# Scroll down the page and click on File attachments.  The area will expand to reveal an upload field.
# Click Browse and navigate to and select the file of the press release you would like to attach.
# Click Attach
# Click Submit
== EVENT ==
# Go to Create content > Event
# Enter a start and end dat and time for the event.  If the event lasts all day, select the check box for All day
# Enter a title
# Only use the news_type field if you want this event to show up on the eyebeam home page.  If not, leave it blank.
news_type:  general - select general to add the event under the heading "This Week at Eyebeam" on the home page
    labs - select labs to add the event under the heading "News from our labs" on the home page
  community - select community to add the event under the heading "Community" on the home page
# If there is an image you would like to display on this page, please add it in the image field located directly below the news_type field. 
# Enter text in the body field
# Click Submit
# Go to Create content > Workshop
# Enter a start and end dat and time for the workshop.  If the workshop lasts all day, select the check box for All day
# Enter a title
#  If this is a Digital Day Camp or a Girl's Eye VIew workshop, select the appropriate category in the workshop_type select list.
# Only use the news_type field if you want this workshop to show up on the eyebeam home page.  If not, leave it blank.
news_type:  general - select general to add the event under the heading "This Week at Eyebeam" on the home page
    labs - select labs to add the event under the heading "News from our labs" on the home page
  community - select community to add the event under the heading "Community" on the home page
# Select the appropriate lab for this workshop.  This field may be left blank.
# Enter text in the Body field.
# Click Submit
# Before adding an exhibition, you should first add in the relevant people bios and project pages. 
#  Go to Create content > Exhibition
# Enter a start and end date for the exhibition.
# Enter a title
#  Only use the news_type field if you want this workshop to show up on the eyebeam home page.  If not, leave it blank.
news_type:  general - select general to add the event under the heading "This Week at Eyebeam" on the home page
    labs - select labs to add the event under the heading "News from our labs" on the home page
  community - select community to add the event under the heading "Community" on the home page
# Indicate the appropriate research group, if necessary.
# If you want to add an image for the exhibit, upload it through the exhibit_image field.
# Select all the projects featured in this exhibition in the exhibits field. 
** To select multiple projects CMD + CLICK on their names on a Mac. CTRL + CLICK if you are using a PC.
** If a project does not appear in this list, it is because there is no project page for that project.  Continue and submit this exhibition.  Then create a project page for the missing project.  When you return to edit the exhibition, the project's title will appear on the list.
# Enter the appropriate text in the Body field.
# Click Submit.
*Use this type to post art/residency calls, jobs, and internships.
# Go to Create content > Opportunities
# Enter a title.
# Only use the news_type field if you want this workshop to show up on the eyebeam home page.  If not, leave it blank.
news_type:  general - select general to add the event under the heading "This Week at Eyebeam" on the home page
    labs - select labs to add the event under the heading "News from our labs" on the home page
  community - select community to add the event under the heading "Community" on the home page
#  Opportunity type: Indicate if this is an art/residency call, job, or internship opportunity.
# Enter details in the Body field.
# Click Submit.
# Go to Create content > Program
# Enter text and values for all relevant fields.  *Note: Below questions 1-5 there is a check box for Required.  If the question is not required or if there is no question for that field, uncheck that box.  Drupal marks it as selected by default.
# Select an application form to link to this program from the select list in the last field.  You can create the application form first by following the steps on creating a webform or you can submit this node first and edit this later. 
# Click Submit
This type allows you to create a node that redirects users to an external URL or to another page on the site.
# Go to Create content > Page Redirect
# Enter a title
# Enter a valid URL in the redirect url field.
# Click on URL Path Settings to expand that area. 
# Uncheck the box next to Automatic alias and enter your custom path (the url that you want users to be redirected FROM).  This field should contain what you want to appear in the url after eyebeam.org/ .  Do not end the path with a / .  Drupal will add that in automatically.
* If you leave the automatic alias selected, the url to the redirect will be eyebeam.org/content/[title]
# Click Submit.
For more information on the Webform module visit http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/webform
# Go to Create content > Webform
# Enter field values for:
** The description is displayed in teasers and at the top of the form.
*Conformation message/ redirect url
* *The conformation message is a message that appears to the user after a successful submission of the form.  You may also enter a url in this field.  Users will be redirected to this url after a successful submission of the form.
*E-mail to address
**Form submissions will be emailed to the address in this field.  If you leave this field blank, the results will be emailed to the form admin only.
*E-mail from name
**The name that will display if an email is sent.  This is used for both submission notification emails (that will most likely be sent to you) and auto reply emails that are sent to users after submission.
*E-mail from address
**The address that emails will be sent from.  This is used for both submission notification emails (that will most likely be sent to you) and auto reply emails that are sent to users after submission.
*E-mail subject
**The subject line for emails sent after submission of this form.  This is used for both submission notification emails (that will most likely be sent to you) and auto reply emails that are sent to users after submission.
# Click Submit
# Next you will be brought to the form components section.  There you can add components and build your web form. 
To add a component
* Enter a component name in the field provided
* Select a type
* Indicate whether this component is mandatory for submission by checking the box under Mandatory
* Assign a weight
* Click Add
After clicking add, you will be brought to that components configure page.  There you can customize the component's appearance and functions. 
The available component types are: (To see all these components in action, go here: http://www.eyebeam.org/content/webform-example Please DO NOT click Submit)
* date - allows users to enter a date
* email - provides a text field for users to submit an email address.  If you want the user to receive a submission email, select the box next to E-mail a submission copy on the component's configure page.
* fieldselt - components can be assigned to a parent fieldset to group certain components together. For example a fieldset can be "Personal Information" and it may contain the components "First Name", "Last Name", and "Date of birth".  You can select a component's parent fieldset when you configure the component.  The default parent fieldset is Root.
* file - This component allows users to upload and submit files.  You can configure this component to limit the max upload size and types of files that can be uploaded.  You can also create a directory that will contain uploaded files from this component.  If no directory is specified, files will be saved in the directory files/webform. 
* grid - A grid is comprised of options and questions.  Options display in a row across the top of the grid.  Questions are listed in a column down the left side of the grid and have select buttons for each option.  For example, a question can be "Don't you just love using the webform module?"  and the options can be " Yes! "  "No!"    "I'll get back to you on that". 
*hidden - hidden components will not be displayed on the form.
* markup - this component allows you, as the creator of the form, to enter HTML or PHP markup to your form.
* pagebreak - Creates a new page.  Components listed after (or with a higher weight than) a pagebreak will appear on a separate page.  WARNING: Use caution when combining the pagebreak and file components. File components will not be submitted unless they are after the last pagebreak in the form.
* select - Use this component to create a select list of values.  You can configure this component to allow for multiple selections or to be displayed as a select box rather than the default (radiobuttons or checkboxes).
*textarea - provides an area(multiple lines) for users to enter text.
*textfield - provides a field (one line) for users to enter text.
*time - allows users to enter a time.  You can configure the time zone and format for this component.
# Once all components have been added and configured, click Publish.  Webforms do not publish automatically as components are added.
# Go to the form you want to edit
# Click the edit tab
# Clicking the edit tab will automatically bring you to the webform configure section.  Notice that the Configure tab is highlighted in the secondary tab menu that appears below the view and edit tabs.  If you want to change the configuration for the webform, make your changes here and click submit.
# If you want to edit the form's components, click Form Components in the secondary tab menu.  Here you can add new components and edit existing ones.  After you make all you changes, click Submit to save changes.
# Go to the form that you would like to view results for
# Click the Results tab
# Now you will see a new secondary tab menu and Submissions is highlighted.  Each tab provides a different way to view the results of you webform submissions.
*Submissions - provides a table list of all submissions.  You have the option of viewing, editing, or deleting each submission in the Operations column.
* Analysis - provides a list of all components and a break down of how each component was filled out.
* Table - Displays each submission and its results in a table row.
* Download - Downloads a csv file of the results.  You can open and view this file as a spreadsheet in MS Excel.
* Clear - Clicking Clear will clear all submissions.
# Go to the project node that you want to edit
# Click the edit tab at the top of the node.  If you do not see an edit tab, you are either not logged in or your user account does not have permission to edit that particular node. 
# Edit the node and click Submit to save your changes.
# Go to the project node that you want to delete
# Click the edit tab at the top of the node. 
# Scroll down and  click the delete button near the bottom of the page.
# You will be sent to a page to confirm that you want to delete that node.  Click delete to delete the node or cancel to abort.
If your user account has permission, you can also delete and perform certain updates to nodes through the administer content page (admin/content/node).  This page allows you to view all nodes on the site in a list and update multiple nodes simultaneously.  This list can be filtered by node status, type, and category.
To access this page:
# Click on Administer in your user menu.
# Under Content Management on the administer page, click Content.
Notice the filters at the top of the page.  These filters control what nodes display in the list below.  You can filter nodes by status, type, and category.
* Status contains the values published/ not published, promoted/not promoted, sticky/ not sticky
** Published nodes refer to all nodes that have been submitted and are viewable to users.  All nodes are published by default when you click submit.  This setting can be changed under Publishing options on the Submit/ Edit pages of any node.
** Promoted nodes are all nodes that get appear in Drupal's front page view.  Right now all nodes are not promoted by default because the front page view is not being used.
** Sticky nodes always appear at the top of any page/ list/ view that the node is displayed on.  The descriptions at the top of the lab fellows and residents pages are examples of sticky nodes.
* Type refers to content type.  (i.e. - Feed Item, Project, People, Exhibition, etc.)
* Category refers to the node's taxonomy terms.  (i.e. news_type = general)
To begin filtering, select a filter, select a value in the select list for 'is',  and click filter.  To see all Workshop nodes, for example, select type is Workshop. 
To add additional filters, select the filter and the value and click Refine.
Below the filter, there is a list of update options. 
* Update path alias - This will update the url aliases generated by the pathauto module.  Only use this if the path-auto settings were changed.  Be careful when using this option - Menus and links can EASILY be broken.
* Unpublish - make a published node "not published"
* Promote to front page/ Demote from front page - Adds/ removes a node from the front page view.  The front page view is currently not in use on this site.
* Make sticky/ Remove stickiness - mark a node as sticky or remove its stickiness.
* Delete
* Reload Embedded Media Data - reloads links embedded in embedded media fields.
To apply any of these options to nodes:
# Select the node/nodes by using the check box next to the title
# Select the Update option you would like to perform from the list.
# Click Update
# Log in and go to the Feed Aggregator admin page, which is located at Administer > Content Management > Feed Aggregator (www.eyebeam.org/admin/content/aggregator)
# Click on the Add Feed tab at the top of the page.
# Add in the title and url of the feed.
# Select an update interval, for how often you want the feed to update.
# If you want to publish all the posts in the feed, select a category.  If you want this feed to be moderated, do not select a category at this time.
# Click Submit.
# After you add the feed , go to back to the Feed Aggregator admin page, which is located at Administer > Content Management > Feed Aggregator
# Click on the feed you want to moderate and you will see a page with all the posts coming from that feed.
# Click the tab labeled Categorize at the top of the page.
# Now each post will have a list of categories in the lower right corner of the post.  To publish a post select the appropriate category for that post.  You can select more than one category per post.
* reBlog - posts with this category show up in the reBlog section
* google news - this category is only used for the google news feed
(add more)
# Log In
# Go to Administer > Site Building > Menus (eyebeam.org/admin/build/menu)
# Click the Add Menu Tab at the top of the page
# Enter a title for your menu and click submit
# After clicking submit, you will be taken to the page listing all menus.  Your menu should appear at the top of the list.  To add items to this menu, click Add Item from the list of options under your menu's title.  You can also click the Add Menu Item tab at the top of the page.
# Enter a title, description (optional), and path for your menu item.
# Select a parent item.  If you want this to appear in your new menu, select the menu's title from the select list.  Any menu item can also be a parent item, and there is no limit on the number of children any parent item can have.
#  Select a weight.
# Click Submit and repeat the previous 3 steps to add more items to you menu.
Note: When you create a menu, drupal automatically creates a block for the menu.  You will have to enable and configure the block in order for the menu to be visible on the site.  You can also control where on the page the menu displays by configuring the menu's block.  (see Blocks)
# Go to Administer > Site Building > Menus (eyebeam.org/admin/build/menu)
# In the list view, you will see the options Edit, Delete, and Add Item listed under each menu along with all the menu items associated with that menu.  Add Item allows you to add a menu item.  Edit allows you to rename the menu.  You can also click delete to delete the menu.
* Note: If you delete a menu that has items assigned to it, the items will be moved to the Navigation menu (The left user menu) and will be displayed there.  These items need to be deleted individually or moved to other parent menus.
# Menu Items are displayed as rows in a table list.  You can edit, disable, or delete menu items individually.
* edit - allows you to edit the properties of that item. (i.e. - path, title, parent item, wieght)
* disabling a menu item will not delete the item, but the item will not be displayed in the menu.
# The left hand user menu is the Navigation menu.  When a user is logged in, his/her user name displays as the title of the menu.  When a user is not logged in the title reads Navigation and displays any menu items it contains that are accessible to anonymous users.  If there are no items in this menu that are visible to anonymous users, the menu will not display until the user logs in.
# The menu in the header (under the eyebeam logo) is titled header_menu.
# The menu displayed horizontally below the header (Programs, Labs, About) is titled Primary Links.
# The menus that appear below the Primary Links menu or in the left column are named according to the pages that they are set to display on.  For example the menu that appears under Primary Links when you click on Labs is titled Labs.
# Block regions are areas on the page where blocks can be displayed.  The block regions available for the eyebeam labs theme are:
*headermenu - under the logo
*submenu - located under the primary links
*sidebar_left - left sidebar
* sidebar_right - right sidebar
* content - the main middle section
* footer - bottom of the page
If you go to Administer > Site Building > Blocks (eyebeam.org/admin/build/block) , the block regions for the active theme will appear highlighted in yellow.
# Go to Administer > Site Building > Blocks
Note: Directly below the tabs at the top of the page, there is another set of tabs labeled with names of your themes.  You can select a different theme to administer that theme's blocks.  Themes sometimes have their own block regions.  If you change the theme of the site, you will most likely have to adjust the block settings.
=== Enabling Blocks ===
#  Scroll down and you will see a list of all blocks sorted by the block region in which they appear.  By default, blocks are disabled.  To enable a block, locate the title on the list under Disabled.  Then select the appropriate block region from the select list (the one that reads <none>).
# Next assign a weight for the block.
# Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save blocks.  When the page refreshes, the block you enabled will be listed under the block region you selected.  Now the block will display in this region on all pages of your site.
=== Configuring Blocks ===
# If you want to restrict the visibility of a specific block by page, user, or user role you can do so by clicking the configure link for that block in the block list on the administer blocks page.
# On this page you can override the block's title by entering a new title in the field labeled Block title.  To display no title enter <none> here.
# User specific visibility settings -- You can set user specific block settings.  User's cannot choose to show or hide blocks by default.  If you would like to let users with permission show and hide the selected block, select the appropriate button here.
# Role specific visibility settings -- Here you can select the user roles that can view this block.  If you don't select any roles here, the block will be visible to all user roles.
# Page specific visibility settings -- Here you can configure the block to display on "every page except the listed pages", "only on the listed pages", or "if the following PHP code returns TRUE (PHP-mode)".
*When listing pages, only list the relative path with out the trailing slash. 
For example: To make the about sub menu display only on pages in the about section, select "Show only on the listed pages".  Then enter ...
... in the Pages box.  about_eyebeam is the main about page.  about_eyebeam/* is for all other about pages, any page where the relative path begins with about_eyebeam.
# Go to Administer > Site Building > Blocks
# Click the Add Block tab at the top of the page.
# Enter a Block description and body text.  NOTE: You can also add HTML and PHP in the body field of you block.
# Click Submit.
# Log in
# Go to the node that you want to promote to the front
# Where it says "Change Promote to Front state", select "promoted"
# Where it says "Schedule" select "immediately" if you want the node to be promoted immediately.
#  Here you can also schedule a date and time to promote the node.  To do so, select "Schedule for state change at", select the date, and enter a time in 24 hour format.  If you do not enter a time, the change will happen at midnight on the indicated date.
# Click Submit
Development Notes:
- fieldgroup.module "Invalid .... foreach ... line 394"
FIX: (around line 394)
FROM:  foreach ($group['fields'] as $field_name => $field)
TO:  if (!empty($group['fields'])) foreach ($group['fields'] as $field_name => $field)
There was a patch applied to cck_redirection.module to resolve.  It was applied manually to lines 25-42. (the command line method didn't work)  The patch fixes a conflict with the views module.  Read more here: http://drupal.org/node/192897
function cck_redirection_menu($may_cache) {
  if (!$may_cache && arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1)) && !arg(2)) {
    $node = node_load(arg(1));
    $fields = _cck_redirection_get_redirect_fields($node->type);
    if(!empty($fields)) {
      $field = array_shift($fields);
      $data = $node->$field['field_name'];
      $url = check_plain($data[0]['value']);
      if (!empty($url)) {
        if(user_access('bypass redirection')) {
          drupal_set_message(t('This node is redirected to a !r', array('!r' => l(t('remote source'), $url))));
        } else {

Latest revision as of 12:11, 13 July 2020